Here are my favorites:
the general Axe proclamation:

the specific hype for "Orion":

These ads are clearly aimed at adolescent boys, which includes young men who can't ever seem to get passed high school. I think it is silly to buy into an ad campaign which promises the attainment of dirty porn star sex with hot, blond, catholic school girls based on the odor of their chemical spray alone... this is just ridiculous. How? How could anybody buy into this? Smelling nice is, well, nice, but the last time I checked smelling good and having self confidence are two totally different phenomena. It's ads like these that enslave the maleable minds of the youth and ignorants. It's no wonder why our nation's teens suffer from such intense lack of self-esteem because the big media is teaching them that they must buy commercial products to fit in and to get laid. There is no finesse in Axe's approach; their advertising department must be a man-cave of overgrown fratboys who want to take advantage of as many young and stupid people as they can. Manipulation of the evolution of mind at the hands of commerce and big media? Really? I know, what a shocker right?