Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Scholarship Essays

So, i applied for two scholarships today: one involved a personal statement of goals and why you deserve the money and the other was about the Green movement and recycling. Here they are respectively:

Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship Essay:

Medicine is the art of humanity.

I have chosen to attend graduate school for Oriental Medicine. I have no desires to be rich or famous; I neither wish to live a luxurious life nor live a life without work. I have always found it important to give back to my community, even when I have a busy schedule and have little time for myself. To study medicine and to make it affordable to the public is one of the greatest ways that one can give back to one’s community. By studying the art and science of Oriental Medicine, with a rigorous background in Biomaterial Engineering, I hope to apply my intellectual ability to switch between Oriental and Western medical paradigms towards the integration of these great systems of medicine. I see, with a rapidly growing world population, that the medicine of the future cannot afford to merely apply bandaids and simply hope that the patient will stop complaining. The medicine of the future must be robust, it must focus on prevention, and no disease, syndrome, or condition must lie outside its scope. It is my mission, my duty, and my destiny to help bring this medicine into the world. As such, I need as much scholarship money as I can get so I can stop taking out loans; this will allow me to amass savings that will in the future be invested in my practice of medicine and thus in the community that is the world around us.

Castle Ink Green Scholarship:

I designed a videogame controller that could be made from post-consumer, recycled polypropylene and high-density polyethylene along with SBS. Only the SBS, making up a mere 3.2% of the controller’s mass, would need to be purchased as newly synthesized. I have yet to get a patent.

I clean and recycle everything that can be recycled; I also take all of my old computer and electronic parts to proper recycling locations, as well as batteries and empty printer cartridges. We are not the only beings that inhabit this planet; environmental consciousness must be at the top of humanity’s list of priorities.

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